1st Brookwood Scouts is a thriving group with waiting lists for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. We have some volunteering vacancies that have become available and with your help, we can continue to thrive:
– Parent Representative(s): We value your feedback so 1st Brookwood Scouts Group can improve and progress. Can you spare an hour for 3 or 4 times a year, to attend Group meetings, and provide feedback from a Parent’s perspective?
– Quarter Master: This role is for checking, maintaining and ordering equipment used in group excursions and activities. This role could be for one person or can be divided between a few volunteers, and is only required when events requiring equipment are scheduled, or when a stock-take is required. Training will be provided.
– 200 Club Administrator: Four 200 club draws take place annually. This role would collect payments for the draws and administer the members register as required. The system of administering the 200 Club is mature but training will be provided.
For any of the above roles please contact: generalenquiries@1stbrookwood.scoutsites.org.uk